Can't believe I can finally write about this topic. Its not that I can't but I think I just have to wait for the right moment to write this kind of topic.

Some of you might know, but some of you might not, that I already broke up with my boyfriend last October. Why do I have to wait till now to write? Probably some of you may ask...

To tell you the truth, I dunno. Perhaps, it’s the uncomfortable feelings that I had before if I have to write about our ending while it’s just ended. Probably, we both need our time to heal ourselves from what it’s called broken heart.

We still come to terms not believing that were not partners anymore. It’s hard, after 3 years...
Have you been thru this before? Some of you have. I’m sure. So, talking about it again it’s not easy, right? But in order to make your heart feel better and move on to your life, you have to talk about it. Not about the pain, the fights even the arguments, but talking about the lovely time we’re together.

Talking about how many kids we will have,
Talking about where we’re going to live,
How to raise our kids and where,
Looking for a house and how were going to arrange the wedding 

…Those are the lovely moments…

As time goes by, I heard that somehow you finally can accept that it’s hard for us to be together once again, except being friends. I will never leave your side as friends, you’re part of my wonderful life and you will always be my dearest friend. So, next time you need me just gimme a call and I will try my best to be there for you, just like before.

I hope this so-called sister, can give you love like the one I gave you once. Didn’t mean to pry or whatever with the questions, I just want to know how your world turns after I’m gone. Seems to me the world is brighter on your side, because of your so-called sister. Hope you’re happy with the life you live in today…

Hope someday you can be the happiest man in the world…
Love you to the bone, Rhe…

Posted 04/10/2004
mei buat rhe tuh yah ... hmmmm yang jelas...

meilah ...
batu yang menjadi legenda, menempati sebuah bidang tanah dengan kokohnya.
Memijak pada tanah basah dengan kedalaman yang tak terhitung pada belasan jam setiap harinya.

meilah ...
bendera kematian yang selalu berkibar.
Berdiri pada sebuah nisan lusuh, bergerak sekehendak angin dari delapan mata, menari sebuah tarian kehilangan.

meilah ...
dahagaku,seperti saat aku tercekat oleh ajal, menanti bisikan Izrail di ujung jemari dan menyembah atas sebuah kedurhakaan.

meilah ...
barisan prajuritku,dengan pedang terhunus sebagai perisai kemunafikan dan sebuah luka pada tangis penyesalan.

meilah ...
berdiri sebagai penglihatanku, saat aku buta dan penunjuk jalan kebenaranku,dalam kekalutan akan sebuah

maaap kalo terlalu gemana gitu ....
tapi yang jelas ya itu yang rhe rasain .
.... thanks mei .... and love u so ...

Thank you, love. For coming to my world and sharing the most greatest moments in your life with me...
