We start this month with a long weekend. But I start this month with charity. YEY! The charity went really well, even only a few people that come to the orphanage.

I asked ‘em to choose the game they want to play. The result we have dance competition, bakiak and football. They’re all the WINNER. :)

Some of our friends are late, as usual. But I’m glad with the result, we can get together, even only a few of us, but we can share some laughs.

Some of the pics I took, that I want to share with you guys!

Thank you for your participation for making this charity worthwhile!
Especially for 'Kang Siomay n Bakso' also 'kang cendol' that can join us!

Its so FUN, FUN and FUN!!



  1. iyah emang cw semua tuh, makanya pada ngeledekin si aDjie jadi pedofil, buka kaskus ajah :)

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