Fiuuhhh...I dunno where to start tho. Sometimes you feel like a de ja vu when you watch a movie, or when you're talking to someone or even when you're do nothing.

What IF when you actually watching the movie and it feels like a de ja vu, but as the story goes you finally realize that its NOT? You know that you watched it somewhere...

Well, its happening to me at this moment. I bought this serial DVD a week ago, then I just saw 'em these last few days. The pilot episode really struck me, just like I told you that the scene, the character even the dialoque seems familiar. Then I realized I saw this serial before but it was a sinetron. YUP. I watched the sinetron first then I watched this serial. I dunno how the story goes now for the sinetron but from I heard from one of my friends, the plot exactly the same. Even the character's name from Ryan to Ray. Geeezzz....

To me this is hillarious and embarrassing. Don't they have anymore idea? Rather than be a copycat?

The serial that I'm talking about is between THE OC and our sinetron CINTA KELAS ATAS (CIKLET) bwahahahah...

well, I've been trying to write this down for few days, but I just got the chance today, so if you actually seen the serial, you better try to see the sinetron too. I'm sure that I'm not the only one to make comments.

As for the weekend, just hang out with Wulan. She's fired on Saturday. Its kinda suck for her. But I know she lives. She have time to hang out for a while, hope she's not doing anything crazy. :) Hang in there, Kun. You'll be just fine! I know you will...



  1. The OC kan ditayangin di TV7 waktu itu ... ga pernah nonton ya ?

  2. heuhue...gak pernah nonton tipi...
