|| KINGDOM OF HEAVEN: The Movie ||
Akhirnya setelah sekian lama gak ke bioskop. Sabtu kemaren nonton juga! Pelemnya keren pula Kingdom of Heaven.
Cerita tentang perang salib, memperebutkan kota Yerusalem. Ada beberapa qoutes yang benerbener keren di pelem itu.
Godfrey of Ibelin: A new world. A better world than has ever been seen. There you are not what you are born but what you have it in yourself to be. A kingdom of concious, peace instead of war, love instead of hate. That is what lies at the end of Crusade.
Liam Neeson as Godfrey of Ibelin
Balian of Ibelin: Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Safeguard the helpless, even if it leads to your death; that is your oath. Rise a knight... rise a knight!
Orlando Bloom as Balian of Ibelin
Sybilla: What becomes of us?
Balian of Ibelin: The world will decide. The world always decides.
Sybilla: I offer you the world.
Balian of Ibelin: You are a princess and I am no lord. You have my love... and my answer.
Eva Green as Sybilla Princess of Jerusalem
Photos © 20th Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.
Memorable Quotes Courtesy of
Sebelum nonton sempet jalanjalan dulu di Lotus bawah. Bisa ada diskon dari 70%+30% loh ..huehuehuehu...lumayan dapet kaos dan sepatu sesuai dengan ukuran.
heuheuheuh...Can't believe I saw this movie twice :D hehehe...
BalasHapusnyarinya di counter kids ya...
BalasHapusgak dwoongg...emang baju sekarang kecilkecil...weee...