[Jejak KakiKu]

The 4 of Us @ Time Break, Plaza Semanggi

Wew! Akhirnya bisa juga upload beberapa foto :)

Its been a while since the last time for us together. Well, actually when Sis's dad past away there's four of us, but its not that 'moment' to bond, you know.

But, finally yesterday was the moment. That the 4 of us finally get together, and this is one of the pic :)

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Arie, Mei, Sis and Rien

That's the best pic that I can post, while the rest I keep it for myself, since Arie always make this funny expression in those pics...geezzz...I wonder why? hihihi...

Thanks to Arie for the gift from Bali, I do like it!
As for the invitation only Koko aka Tien Ke aka Marthin that didn't show up, as usual...heuheuhe...can't count on him with promises...

So, finally its just the 4 of us, Aldo, Yuzzz & Jaing...:)
Thank you Yuzz for the treat :) and all of you for the laugh we shared, I had a great time...
