[Jejak KakiKu]
Today's your day! But I hope as you're getting older, you become more wiser. Have a great day and may all the good things in life comes your way. I forgive you today, since its your b'day. Even I already know yesterday, that you won't show up or even remember that we have a lunch date today. Oh well, have fun. Where ever you are!
What a wonderful surprise!
Kemaren ketemuan sama Santi aka Suexe dari Kaskus...
secara gak sengaja pas lagi ketemuan sama para 'pecun' di Plaza Semanggi, si Santi telpon. Ya udah jadilah gue suruh die dateng ke Semanggi juga heuhueheu...
Rencana pergi siy dah males, karna siangnya Ari ngasih tau. Tapi pas sore dah telpon dia juga gak jadi. Tapi karna males pulang sendirian dan gak jadi di jemput, akhirnya sore telpon si Babe lagi! Ternyata dah pada nongkrong di Platinum *lumayan enak & murah*
Sok gaya malah gak jadi! heuheueu...
Katanya Marthin juga mo nongol, Rina juga ternyata gak. Cuma ada Aldo doank yang nongol, yah gitu deh...sok cakep diantara para perempuan...bwahahahah...
Liat tuh cengirannya heuheueu...
Gara² nongkrong disitu dan ngeliat dimajalah ada kalung lucu, langsung dibuat deh pas pulang. It turns out really nice!
Cute heh?
I wear it to the office today. But still have to be fixed somewhere :D
Well, thanks guys for a great Monday! Especially Ari :D I had a free meal :D huehueheu...
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This is Meita’s website and you are in a right place to get to know a little bit more about her. She is a dreamer who likes doing digital marketing and been blogging since 2003. She also loves watching TV shows, and movies. Also, passionate about the world. Graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring in Cultural Tourism, taught her a lot about how great Indonesia – country where she is from – in cultural level. Still curious about her? Find out more here ;)
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Woy...kebiasaan deh masang2 foto orang sembarangan...BAYAR!!!!!
BalasHapusKalungnya mau dwwwoonnnggg....hehehe!
heuhueheuhe....benerkaannn kerennn!! Ya udah soal kalung consider its done! Buat tanggal 1 aje yee *wink*