[Jejak KakiKu]

Friendster's Horoscope

There's something about it, I guess. Hari ini agak kecewa banged. Ya, sama elo! Entah brapa lama gak ketemu, tautau telp kayak gitu.

Elo tau gak siy kalo hari ini tuh dapet kabar bokapnya Babe sekarat?
dan Elo sendiri bilang nyokap tuh sakit. Tapi kenapa harus gak pulang? Apa ada yang LEBIH penting dari itu semua?

Kenapa siy harus bikin susah hidup loe sendiri? Gue marah! Iyah gue marah banged! Kenapa? Karna seharusnya loe ngerti, dan LEBIH bisa bertanggung jawab lagi. Gue emang bukan siapasiapa, tapi sebagai temen gue bisa bilang gue KECEWA abis!

I was you, few years ago. I can actually see the resemblance of me in you. But I got my own conscience since then.
But how about you? I know its just mere nonsense for me to say this and that bla..bla..bla...about your condition.

I just wish that you can see this world from the other side, instead of falling down and take everything for granted! You should be thankful for what you have, since others will TRY so bad to have all the previleges you have in your very own nose!


If you think you're in trouble, you really have to go to the rehab I guess...clear your mind and everything!
Hope you're not that kind of ppl that will say sorry and regrets everything at the end!

I really wish you can be just FINE!



  1. heheh...iyah...thanks dear...
    cuma sekedar melepaskan kekesalan ajah! :)
