*sigh a nice yet sad week end...
how am I gonna start?
start from saturday I guess...
doing things and finished up everything for the stamp.
there's a tingle inside that he made all up again..
but he's not even say anything...
then I went to Pasar Minggu,
plan to go to the church gone..
since its raining hard, then just stayed there
till the rain is over, but then rhe's sms me
he told me that he wants to come over to Depok with me...
oh well, then...I'm going there...
talked to Rex a bit,
but then he went to sleep...
watch the Italion Job...which is a good movie..
can't sleep 'till 3 AM...help him looked for a porn CD...
geezzz....its not in the room anymore...
so, there we go makin' our own movie...
*sigh...it was great actually but there's sumthin' missing
already...I guess its because all the things he did...
makes me hard even not to trust him again...
but as the morning come, I REVEALED everything!!!
he just did it again, how in the hell he took advantage from me again
after all this things I did for HIM...
how ungratefull person on earth??
he's the one that make mistake...
its all his fault...but he's the one that angrier...
hahah..I guess his dignity as a guy being...you know...
oh well, I dun care...I just turn myself back to the opposite way...
then took a taxi, which is make everything so damn irritating...
since these campaign on the street...geezzz.....
Stay's at Ragunan house a bit,
call Rina up and Sis up...then...its all cancelled...
since I have to go home...Dad waiting for me for grandma b'day
party at Bekasi, here we go went to Bekasi...
with a unexpected company from a very nice friend of mine...:)
he's there when I need a person...and I'm blessed to have him stayed with me...
talked with dad a bit...then we just went home...
Dad didn't say a word, but I dunno what happend when I went to bed...
its just a very tiring, happy yet still there's a missing piece...
*sigh...I dunno what else I should do...
then I just went to sleep...
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This is Meita’s website and you are in a right place to get to know a little bit more about her. She is a dreamer who likes doing digital marketing and been blogging since 2003. She also loves watching TV shows, and movies. Also, passionate about the world. Graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring in Cultural Tourism, taught her a lot about how great Indonesia – country where she is from – in cultural level. Still curious about her? Find out more here ;)
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