hihihi...wut a dissaster last nite...
I locked myself out from my own room...
I dunno wut happend tho...but thank god
that my bro still awake...
so, we're like bunch of buglar try to enter the room
from the window...hihih...
finally, I get in...geess...no more tragedy at midnite

too many things happend yesterday...
cried again like...ehmm I dunno...
things that can make me sad is a friend,
things that can make me cry is negative thinking,
things that can make me devastated can do anything to help others
especially those people that I care about...*hiks

my heart stray like broken glass...
when I heard her scream on the other line yesterday
calling his dad to come home...
she's only 2½ years old, but she already knows the word 'kangen'
what can I doo... hiks..I wish I have the money to help you dear...
I just thank god that its not that blood fever you had...
soon, your dad will be there...dun worry ok, sweetheart.

sabar yah miftah sayang...
minggu depan ayah pasti pulang...
doain ajah...tante tau miftah kangen ayah...
ayah juga kangen koq sama miftah...
karna miftah pinter...miftah sabar yah...:)
doain ajah minggu depan miftah bisa ketemu ayah...
Tante sayang Miftah...*cium jauh*
