Kangen juga menulis, after a while, well, what new with me then?

The newest one was I had an interview yesterday as a Marketing Executive, at ESMOD. Its a fashion design school, the best in Jakarta I might say. If you really want to know more about it, just click here

I just wish that I will got the job there, it is a new field of work. Totally different from what I'm doing at the moment, its quite far, but as long as I enjoy the work I'm sure I'm ok with that. I can learn alot of things from this company also, who knows I can also make my talent of making accesories useful :)

That's the most exciting part yesterday..

And another one was 30G iPod that I borrowed from Karen, my colleague at the office. I dun think its a user friendly gadget, cause when you want to change your song, you have to see the list again there's no button at all at the earpiece.

Then when you want to turn down/up the volume there's no button also, you have to take your iPod out and adjust it again. As if you're in a train or bus and your iPod is in your pocket or bag its kinda hard to do those thing...

Well, I still think its not that worth it, its just the BRAND that sold! I'm sure my cellphone does better if I put more memories in it. Hehehe...

Intinya tuh gak user friendly deh, agak ribet ajah klo mo ganti lagu susah gak ada tombol buat mencetnya kayak earphonenya Nokia :D heheh...
trus juga klo mo delete lagu gak bisa langsung dari situ, trus mo nambahin lagu juga mesti punya itunes...

Auk akh, mungkin gue kali males alat canggih yang bikin ribet ajah yah? Sedangkan gue terbiasa dengan yang simple langsung enak dipake, klo gitu apa bedanya sama penyimpan lagu yang jauh lebih murah yah? Gak ada bedanya kayaknya siy :D

hehehe...pikiran orang yang gak punya kelebihan duit kali ye? Praktis!
Tapi biar belibet klo ada yang mo ngasih juga diterima koq! hahahah...:D

I guess that's the newest thing about me,
what new with you guys? :)
