If I told you its from a woman buttocks, do you believe it?
Beberapa waktu lalu ada temen yang ngasih link yang menceritakan soal sejarah simbol hati yang sekarang kita kenal, waktu itu dapetnya bahasa indonesia, dan cuma ngasih tau satu sejarah ajah, yaitu: berasal dari pantat perempuan. Tapi klo baca dari wikipedia, ternyata banyak juga loh..
Waktu gue cerita sama ayang dia cuma hu uh doank, tapi tautau dia cerita lagi sama temennya...hehehe...waktu gue jelasin gak percaya juga sampe akhirnya gue nemuin juga info itu di wikipedia.com...
Mungkin dengan baca tulisan dari wikipedia ini, yang lain bisa lebih jelas asal muasal simbol hati tersebut, ternyata panjang juga penjelasannya :) dan emang gak cuma berasal dari satu ide ajah.
as quote:
The "heart" shape could also be considered to depict features of the human female body, such as the female's pubic mound or vulva. A Sumerian cuneiform symbol for "woman" closely resembles the heart shape, and is believed to directly depict the pubic mound. Others maintain that the heart resembles the shape of the female breasts or the female buttocks, especially when bent over in readiness for copulation from the rear.
PS: Nil, sekarang loe percaya kan? :D gue kasih bukti negh!
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This is Meita’s website and you are in a right place to get to know a little bit more about her. She is a dreamer who likes doing digital marketing and been blogging since 2003. She also loves watching TV shows, and movies. Also, passionate about the world. Graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring in Cultural Tourism, taught her a lot about how great Indonesia – country where she is from – in cultural level. Still curious about her? Find out more here ;)
Nowadays, we do live in the world where sincere thank yous are rare. Where sorries and apologies are extinct. Let alone, caring for the sa...

DaRel: "gw masih gak percaya.. hehehehe" *ngakak*
BalasHapusterserah loe dah!! :P