Location : Office
++ Kemeja garis dasar abuabu, celana marun dan sepatu sendal coklat ++
What a weekend...
Tired but its a nice going away :)
lain kali mesti memang lebih panjang waktunya
thanks to Indrawan yang dah mo nganterin
malem minggu makan di et cetera...
tempatnya biasa ajah tapi steaknya lumayan lah...
Mas oot thanks juga dah mo jemput and ceritacerita...
especially the hugs I need that :)
thanks for lemme come to the office and have another chat
I promise Ronald that I will promote his hotel,
so here if goes...
nama hotelnya lupa euy...hahahha...
yang jelas di jalan pasir kaliki pas di depan rumah makan padang
murah meriah...mulai dari 50rb sampe 200-an gitu deh...
its not that fancy but its quite nice just for a nite...
ada air panasnya even not a bath tub...
thanks for the free accomodation, Ron...:)
sorry that I didn't get a change to see you before I checked out..
oh well, definitely going to find you again next trip
just to say hi (,")
telp semua orang gak ada yang angkat telp..jadi kita balik deh
ngantri argo gede gak sanggup deh...dah kesorean
trus...akhirnya coba nyari 4848 tapi end up nya naek bis juga...
lumayan enak bisnya...dan cuma 25rb doank :)
udah gituuu yang seru lagi...
kursi depan ada yang bikin pelem sendiri...
dengan bunyibunyi ciuman gitu...hahahah...kocaks juga...
pertama masuk bis cwnya masih berjilbab
tapi gak brapa lama dah dilepas
I thought orang di depan ini ganti tempat duduk...t
ternyata gak...hihihi...kocaks...
thanks for the starlights up above that guard me thru the journey home...
got home safe and sound around 23.00...
what a tiring day...but I had FUN :)
and for you that keep me company from saturday
and bare with my attitude :D
I can only say THANKS ALOT!!
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This is Meita’s website and you are in a right place to get to know a little bit more about her. She is a dreamer who likes doing digital marketing and been blogging since 2003. She also loves watching TV shows, and movies. Also, passionate about the world. Graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring in Cultural Tourism, taught her a lot about how great Indonesia – country where she is from – in cultural level. Still curious about her? Find out more here ;)
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