Lokasi: Kantor
++kemeja lengan panjang garis-garis, celana merah marun dgn aksen hitam, sepatu sendal andalan ++

Pagi ini Jakarta di guyur hujan, enak deh hujan pagi² walo komplen dikit,
tapi hujan berdamai sama mei. sampe di kantor kepagian...
ada yang sms ngambeg karna gak pamitan...
abis lagi sebel seh...why man can't grow up!!

no more money...in my pocket...
kayaknya hari ini mesti puasa deh...*sigh...
sumtimes we need that probably...
lagian juga udah temben neh, makin bulet ajah mukanya ntar....

Had this thought in my head if its going to be over then let it be...
if you can't take care of yourselves how can you take care of me...
I gave all the heart, body and soul already...
even sell my soul to satan if you just ask,
but have you ever ask and fulfill what I want?
even just a simple thing to do when you're going to bed
brush your teeth, wash your face and change your clothes to the clean one,
is it too much to ask? Geezzz, I wish I can ask for a diamond or sumthin'
but I'm not!!
Just a simple thing, take care of yourselves and pay more attention for my being, silly
