So, I finished reading ‘em all.
But, I got a confession to make. First time I saw the movie, I didn’t know that it’s taken from a best-selling novel by
Stephenie Meyer. Can’t you believe it? *grinning*
Well, it’s true though. I’m interested to watch it because I read the synopsis. The idea about a vampire falls in love with a human, fascinate me. I don't know, IF it’s going to be like one of those teenage movies, complete with all the drama. Yet, it's still interesting, despite the distractions that occurred. *Boss called during the show*
After a while, I realized it. The movie actually based on a novel. So, I'm starting to find the next book to be read. At first, I only got the translation one, so I rented it. Then again, thanks to a wonderful friend that was willing to give me the e-book. *Thanks Cupcake!* I start to downloaded ‘em and can’t stopped reading it after it’s finished.
Now, here I am, trying to find another book to be read again.
I mentioned about reading more than a thousand pages of novel, before. Well, this is it, the novel about the TWILIGHT SAGA. To be honest, I didn't read the first book. Since I already watched the movie, but I still want to buy ALL of the series. I guess, those are pretty good for another books collection.
Or is there anyone out there, would like to buy the book for me? Let's say as a V-day present? *giggles* I think a girl can wish *wide grin*
Any one read ‘em yet? Translation or the English one? Let’s share! :)

Lately, I haven’t been able to write anything. ‘Cause I’m sorta preoccupied with these serial novels *I'll tell it about this one later*. I’m sorry. For the past months, I’ve been using more of my English than I’m using my Indonesian. As usual, this situation kinda makes me ‘lost’ the ability to write in Indonesian, *sound silly? It is!*. I could, but the result will not really as satisfying as I want to.
That’s why I’m writing this one in English :)
It’s the overwhelmed feeling to be able to write again. There are lots that I want to share. But for the moment I’m just going to grasp the feeling of contentment. Feeling of abundance and feeling so good towards everything.
Those are the good feelings, I know. Nothing would make me feel this way again, rather than to think about the future. What I’ve been planning all these time. Finally there’s an answer within myself that really agree with my decision.
I’m thinking going back to the States :)
A friend already offers me to visit her and she’s willing to help me out, when I get there. It’s really fascinating! Even to think that we’re going to see each together again. I don’t know how to describe how I feel this moment, it’s just overwhelming. More like the feeling of falling in love, all over again from the first time you laid eyes on someone you love. I guess, that’s more of the feeling that I have right now. *grinning*
Not to be able to use English for daily basis, really slow me down on the subject. I’m starting to make some mistakes as the first learner. Thanks to JCT that really has the patience helping me a lot with these tenses and grammar. I know that I’m far from perfect and yet life is about learning new things. Some just said I’m really good, I can’t say I’m not though *wink*. It’s just that you need to get over the compliment sometimes, just to give your attention back to what you’re suppose to.
I’m learning it all over gain. Read more than a thousand pages of novels, also helpful. I need to keep the Maryamah Karpov aside for a while. So, when I’m finished with the novels, there’s another book waiting. But, reading English novels were not the only tools, though. But also chatting actively, voice chatting also watching movies without the Indonesian subtitle *grin*. I feel like I’m getting back to the situation where I used to be. Being able to use my English on the daily basis. I’m glad and I’m happy. This is kinda cool, I thought.
Well, this is just a start for the English entry.
I hope there’s many more to come...
Pardon me for the language inconveniences for some of you, doesn’t really means to show off or something. I just need to follow my instinct to write. Something that I’m capable to do and I’ve been putting it off lately.
If you’re all asking do I missed everyone?
Of course, and absolutely!
Enjoy the long weekend and have a wonderful year of the Ox!
This one is also a special thank you note for you, Chris! *Big smile*
Musim hujan adalah salah satu musim yang saya sukai. Belakangan hujan makin ‘menggila’ tapi saya semakin senang. Saya menikmati suasana setelah hujan, sedang hujan dan apapun yang berhubungan dengan hujan.
Entah mengapa. Ada saat dimana pagi buta, hujan mengguyur Bumi begitu deras. Ingin rasanya bangun dari dalam gelungan selimut dan berlari keluar untuk menari bersama hujan. Tapi, hanya menjadi ide gila yang belum terlaksana. Saya masih lebih senang bergelung bersama selimut tebal yang hangat.
Musim hujan juga membuat saya dapat memakai bajubaju tebal dan panjang saya. Menghangatkan badan sambil bergaya dan tidak terlihat salah kostum sama sekali. Seperti halnya orang luar negeri memiliki baju musim dingin, maka saya memiliki baju musim hujan.
Pokoknya menyenangkan deh!
Apa kabar semua? :)