Trying the new comment system...hope its going to work tho :D
thanks to Mitha :)
weww...another stupid argument today, another argument cause of someone else and its getting bigger, BUT its ok now..hueheuhe...
Drot, dropped me line today, and a good news, thanks for your help
Icha made another forum and I just sign up just now...hehehe...
nothing exiting happened just confuse about the gathering on Friday, I guess I better not come tho, rather than having a huge fight after...
Wew, I guess I wrote lots of things today, since there's lots of things happening I just want to write it down...
all the nice things happened for a reason today
I chatted with dk and he said he's going to have a girlfriend
*good for you, D! Its about time I guess :D
and my crazy bro in the US told me that he decided to be straight now,
not becoming bi again...*halelujah
then as for this fellow cap, that's how I call him, he has a new girlfriend last week, he's the one that told me love just a bunch of crap now decided that love do EXIST...huehueheu...
hope this will work to my other bestfriends :)
What I do know is, I just try to live each day as the most exciting day of my life, that's how I enjoy of being ALIVE...
I know when they all said that LOVE can make this world go round,
but the 'L' word WITHOUT money is BULLSHIT...!!
heheh...its not about the materialistic kinda thing I guess...
but if you just think for a while then that word if true in someway
Mom said to me last nite, that there's a saying in chinese proverb that,
if you're not an EGO person than the sky and the earth will shut you down...
I guess that's what she trying to say tho...*shrug
I want to be an egoistic person BUT I guess I just can't :(
...I'm sorry...
I guess there's too many things in mind now...dunno what to write and dunno what to tell...probably its because when ppl dun have money or in the desperate kinda situation then their mind start thinking those impossible thing...*shrug
But I dunno anymore, since there's too many advices and too many discussions that have been brought up AND still its going to the same shit again and again...*sigh
So, what's the point of talking then?
Mom, I do know and sometimes I dun know, but at the moment, can you just bear with me? Trying how to live my life the way I want it too? If later on I make my own mistake and terrible one, I will NOT feel dissapointed, 'cause that's what its supposed to happend...I just hope whatever it is, I can still handle it...
you're the reason I live 'till today, Mom...
Love you so!
Lemme try to write sumthin' serious here :)
If you know internet for quite sometime, then you know what a forum is :)
I know this forum name KASKUS from my very bestfriends, and that's how I know my dearest ayang...*muaachh*
BUT as time goes by, there's too many things happened there...
these are the ppl that put REAL life into CYBER life and vise versa
dun get me wrong, I was too...but as the conscious mind strike then I realize its stupid acting like that...
So, I take my action NOT to put CYBER to REAL life 'cause its like the word PATHETIC. I do admit that I met tons of new friends from this forum some become great friends and some just for the cyber sake...and to be able to become their friends and meeting each and everyone of 'em personally really do make my life more FUN!!
Somehow, I just wish that this forum can be as calm and fun as 2 years before only a few psycophat stayed there but soon begone..hehehe...
well, there's too many ppl in this world of cyber...but we can as wisely as we could to choose for the best for our own :)
Hello there again :)
I know...I know...its been such a longggg time that I'm not actually writing in here, its simply because I hate to log on every now and then just to write things when its there urgently...
but I will try to write in here more often...hihih...
so, what's been going on...
its all about movie I guess,
I looovee watching movies very much. Last week when I had my 3 days off I just watching movies all the time, there's always something you can learn from a movie :)
Teenage movies is a very nice and simple also entertaining to be watch...hehehe...